Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific
This seminar is organized in collaboration with other Statistical Organizations. The aim of the seminar is to stimulate discussions and debate and share good practices on issues and challenges in leading and managing national statistical organizations (NSOs).
Management Seminars
14 – 15 DECEMBER 2023 | Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
30 November and 1 December 2021 | Online
Sixteenth Management Seminar (Webinar) for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Transforming Institutions is Transforming People
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management abilities of the heads of national statistical offices by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "Transforming Institutions is Transforming People". The seminar will identify good practices of leadership and future steps that should be taken to lead agile, resilient and responsible human resources management. More detials.....
3 to 4 December 2020, Chiba, Japan
Fifteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crises and building better for the future
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crises and building better for the future". The seminar will identify good practices of leadership under the crisis and future steps that should be taken to lead sustained capacity building for the crisis. More detials.....
11 to 12 December 2019, Chiba, Japan
Fourteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: The Future of Economic Statistics
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "Future of Economic Statistics". The seminar will draw on the experience of participants in identifying present level of production and use of official economic statistics in countries in the region and further expectation in terms of production of new economic and related indicators.More detials.....
6 to 7 December 2017, Tokyo, Japan
Thirteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Empowering and Strengthening National Statistical Systems for Tracking Progress towards the SDGs
To identify specific actions required by the governments in the region and by international organizations to empower and strengthen National Statistical Systems for developing capability to track progress toward SDGs by compilation and coordination of SDG global, regional and national indicators. More detials.....
2 -3 December 2015, Tokyo, Japan
Twelfth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Managing Key Stakeholder Relationships
The seminar was based on the premise that in delivering on their missions, national statistical offices work in partnership and establish relationships with stakeholders— loosely speaking: institutions, agencies, groups that have an interest in and some influence on the national statistical system. Among this typically large group of stakeholders is a subset that could be regarded as “key” stakeholders with whom relationships matter the most; the health of such relationships impacts on the NSOs work as well as the statistical system. The seminar aim to answer questions such as: Who are the “key” stakeholders of national statistical offices and what are the relationships that bind them? Are these relationships in good health and what does it take to get to that level and stay there? The seminar was draw on the experience of participants-- successes, work-in-progress and failures in exploring what are the elements of an effective “stakeholder engagement strategy”.
31 August - 2 September 2010, Tokyo, Japan
Ninth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Developing Professional Capability for National Statistical Systems
3 - 5 November 2009, New Delhi, India
Eight Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Strategies for Achieving Effective Data Communication
18 - 20 September 2006, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Fifth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Planning, Management and Operation of the 2010 Population Census Round from a Country Perspective
28 - 30 September 2005, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Fourth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Results-Based Management: Applying the Logical Framework Approach in Programme and Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation of National Statistical Organizations
31 January - 2 February, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand
Third Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: Managing Change
12 - 14 February 2003, Bangkok, Thailand