Fifteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific
Topic: National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crisis and building better for the future
3 to 4 December 2020, Chiba, Japan
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crisis and building better for the future". The main objective of the seminar is to determine effective approaches to statistical activities, including capacity building, and the role of chief statisticians in implementing these new approaches in the context of unforeseen crises such as the current pandemic.
Day 1: Overall impact and response to Covid-19 crises by NSS | |
Session 1: Experience sharing about the Statistical Activities during Covid-19 Crisis | |
Session 1 A: Sharing of experiences by countries on the continuation of regular activities, adoption of new activities and adaptation of existing activities due to Covid-19 Crisis and lessons learnt | |
Education and Training Center BPS_Statistics Indonesia | |
The State of Statistical Operations under the COVID-19 Pandemic Focusing on Labor Force Survey in the Islamic Republic of Iran Challenges and Best Practices | ppt |
Session 1 B: Information sharing by the UNSD, PARIS21, SD ESCAP and SIAP on statistical activities undertaken by the countries - globally and in the region | |
Capacity development activities - UNSD | |
A Roadmap for Statistical Capacity Development 4.0 - PARIS21 | |
Learning Management Systems during COVID-19 Pandemic - SIAP |
Day 2: Capacity development during the current crises and future planning | |
Session 2: Capacity development to meet future Crisis | |
Session 2 A: Role played by Chief Statisticians in communication of data and improved statistical literacy during the Crisis | |
Responding to the COVID crisis and building better for the future - Malaysia | |
Role played by Chief Statisticians in communication of data and improved statistical literacy during crisis - India | |
National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crisis and building better for the future - China | |
Stats NZ’s role in reporting on key statistics became increasingly crucial in tracking the impact of COVID-19 on New Zealand’s economy and communities. | |
Session 2 B: Capacity development activities undertaken by NSS and National Training Institutions to address the problems arising from the Crisis, especially need for developing data science skills including skills to handle big data | |
Capacity development activities - Philippines |