Thirteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific
Topic: Empowering and Strengthening National Statistical Systems for Monitoring SDG Indicators
6 - 7 December, Tokyo, Japan
Purpose of the seminar is to identify specific actions required by the governments in the region and by international organizations to empower and strengthen National Statistical Systems for developing capability to track progress toward SDGs by compilation and coordination of SDG global, regional and national indicators.
The Triger:
Considering the progress made so far in compilation of SDG Indicators and the present status of NSS in the region, the seminar shall address two key issues of concern. These are needs for empowerment and strengthening of NSS in the region. I. Empowering NSS How do we empower NSS? National Statistical Offices and Systems have been part and parcel of Governments with varying degrees of responsibility across the region in terms of data collection, compilation and processing and providing inputs to planning process and in evaluation of programmes undertaken by the Governments. Many countries have functional legislative instrument to empower statistical offices and system to collect information from various entities. In some countries, such instruments do not exist or have become dated or dysfunctional. II. Strengthening NSS
Theme I: Where we stand: global and regional commitments to meet the statistics needs for the 2030 Agenda | |
Back to basics: Stakeholder Analysis | |
1.1 Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific | |
1.2 The status of SDG indicators and related training efforts in Asia and the Pacific | |
1.3.1 The regional commitments in the global context: Global indicator framework | |
1.3.2 The regional commitments in the global context: The Cape Town Plan of Action, status of implementation | |
1.3.3 The regional commitments in the global context |
Theme II: Envisioning a national statistical system that delivers on the 2030 collective vision | |
2.1 Envisioning an NSS that delivers on the 2030 collective vision | |
2.2 Transformation action of China | |
2.3 Experiences and Challenges in reporting SDG indicators and the Statistics Reform in Japan | |
2.4 Work Undertaken Under Five Action Areas of the Asia-Pacific Collective Vision -Mongolia | |
2.5 Transformation in action: Focus areas and lessons learnt Philippine experience | |
2.6 SDG implementation plans in Georgia - Strengthening national mechanisms for coordination, collaboration and partnership | |
2.7 National Statistics System_LAO PDR | |
2.8 Transformation in action: Focus areas and lessons learnt - Russian Federation |
Theme III: Accelerating transformation efforts: Commitments needed | |
Summary reflections from Session2 | |
Potential of existing tools to support change processe : NSDS, ADAPT, GSBPM | |
Trigger presentation: National policies and plans for SDG implementation: Potential roles of the national statistical office | |
Country experience: Maldives | |
Country presentations : Sri Lanka |