Sixteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific
Topic: Transforming Institutions is Transforming People
30 November - 1 December 2021 | Online
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management abilities of the heads of national statistical offices by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "Transforming Institutions is Transforming People". The seminar will identify good practices of leadership and future steps that should be taken to lead agile, resilient and responsible human resources management.
Day 1: | |
Diagnostic session: What is the problem? | |
Agile, resilient and responsible institutions are underpinned by their staff. The session will debate to what extent human resources management in NSOs contributes to agile, resilient and responsible institutions | |
Round one- What are we doing well [Sri Lanka] | |
Round two- Where do we need to improve? [Sri Lanka] | |
Session A: How to innovate human resources management in NSSs? | |
Innovative human resources management forms part of the efforts of NSOs to respond more effectively and efficiently to the new policy requirements and become more flexible in addressing the challenges confronting their operations for producing statistics. Participants are expected to discuss the following topics. - Which skills do we need now and in 2030? - How do we attract staff with such skills, or develop those skills among existing staff? - What can the NSO/NSS offer to staff? - How do we communicate job opportunities internally and externally? - How do we train staff and develop their skills? - How do we create an attractive working environment? | |
Create Developing Opportunities and Self-fulfilling Platform for Staff [China] | |
How to Innovate Human Resources Management in NSSs? [Malaysia] | |
How to Innovate Human Resources Management in NSSs? [Maldives] | |
Transforming Institutions is Transforming People [Iran (Islamic Republic of)] |
Day 2: Capacity development during the current crises and future planning | |
Session B: How to manage human resources in support of data integration and enhanced uptake of new data sources? | |
colspan="2" NSSs need new data sources and data integration among varied data sets. Human resources management needs to evolve to employ those with new knowledge and/or to nourish/train staff to obtain them. Participants are expected to discuss the following topics. - Are we getting people/staff who are interested in and have the required skills to work across teams and organizations? - Are we attracting or developing knowledge and expertise related to data integration, IT systems integration/engineering/inter-operability? - Are we attracting or developing expertise on conceptual and methodological aspects of integration? - Are staff recognized by management and peers for their ability to work across teams and experiment with mul - Is recognition primarily given to staff who are doing well as “traditional” statisticians such as contributing to the “stove-pipe” business process model and survey-in to product-out? | |
Human Resource Management in Support of Data Integration and Enhanced Uptake of New Data Sources [Mongolia] | |
How to manage Human Resources in support of Data Integration and Enhanced Uptake of New Data Sources? [Singapore] | |
Data Integration Knowledge [New Zealand] | |
Session C: How to ensure gender equality in NSSs? | |
SDG Target 5.5 is to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. The ESCAP Committee of Statistics in 2020 decided to advance the mainstreaming of gender in its work. Though NSSs are promoting gender equality, the gender composition is still different among countries and gender gaps exist in opportunities of work in some levels and areas. For human resources policy to ensure diversity, strong and consistent leadership against tradition is significant. This area highlights on human resources management from the aspect of gender equality. | |
Gender Equality in NSS [India] | |
Gender statistics in Uzbekistan |