News [2020 & 2019]
24 November - 31 December 2020
e-Learning Course on International Accounts
This e-Learning course, developed by SIAP, provides a strong foundation on International Accounts based on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The aim of the course is to introduce participants the components of international accounts: International Investment Position (IIP), Balance of Payments (BOP) and Other changes in financial and liabilities accounts.
3 - 4 December 2020 | Chiba, Japan
Fifteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crises and building better for the future
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "National statistical systems: responding to the COVID 19 crises and building better for the future". The seminar will identify good practices of leadership under the crisis and future steps that should be taken to lead sustained capacity building for the crisis. ..... More details
2 December 2020 | Chiba, Japan [via videoconferencing (MS Teams)]
Sixth Meeting of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific
24 - 27 November 2020 | Virtual Training
7th Regional Training Course on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT)
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) in collaboration with Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) developed a unique training course for NSS, NSO leaders and national planning senior managers to improve strategic planning for data and statistical development, using innovative tools and methods. The course will give a thorough introduction to the NSDS process and introduces a holistic approach to capacity development, Capacity Development 4.0. In addition, this year’s NSDS course will feature special topics on gender statistics as well as fragility and resilience in crisis context. This training course will also include an introduction on the Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT), an innovative web-based planning tool for NSOs, national planning agencies, and other data producers to document data demands and supply and identify the data gaps in policy, planning and monitoring frameworks.
26 October - 27 November 2020
e-Learning Course on Crime Statistics from Gender Perspective
The demand for timely and high-quality crime statistics are on the rise to meet the challenges of monitoring the crime and criminal justice-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators. This course introduces the crime statistics in relation to gender perspective to produce reliable and sufficient indicators to monitor relevant SDG. This course highlights basic concepts, methods and frameworks required to compile crime statistics from a gender perspective, and provide knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of working with different types of data sources (administrative data, sample surveys).
14 September - 16 October 2020
Introduction to energy statistics and energy accounts (e-Learning course)
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling energy statistics and accounts, including compilation of relevant SDG indicators. The topics covered include physical supply and use tables, asset accounts, valuation and data sources. Two webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions. Following the completion of the course and depending on resource availabilty, in-kind support will be provided to countries interested in the compilation of the energy accounts using tools that will be introduced and discussed during the course.
10 August - 18 September 2020 | Online
e-Learning Course on Compiling National Metadata for the Sustainable Development Goals
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling metadata at the national level with emphasis on metadata for the SDGs. Among other topics covered, the course provides details on the template for compiling metadata which has been agreed upon at the international level. Two webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions.
29 June - 31 August 2020
Intermediate-level e-learning Course on System of National Accounts (SNA): Integrated Transaction Accounts
The main objectives of this course are to provide deep knowledge about integrated transaction accounts, introduce the 2008 SNA-changes from 1993 SNA, explain the use of volume measures in national accounts and brief the participants about SDGs and SNA.
18 May - 12 June 2020 | Online
e-Learning Course on Health Statistics for Monitoring SDGs
The objective of this e-Learning course is to provide a general understanding of the basic concept, methods and framework required to compile and monitor the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development, in particular SDG 3 indicators.
6 April - 15 May 2020 | Online
e-Learning Course on Introduction to the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA)-Central Framework
This course introduces the SEEA Central Framework, the international statistical standards for measuring the interactions between the environment and the economy. By providing an internationally agreed standard with agreed concepts, definitions and classifications, the SEEA is an invaluable tool for compiling integrated statistics on the economy and the environment.
9 - 31 March 2020 | Online
e-Learning Course on Official Statistics for SDGs
This course introduces fundamental knowledge on official statistics. This course will help you understand how to compile and monitor Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators from official statistics.
20 - 24 January 2020 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on Supply and Use Tables
The main objective of this course was to develop the knowledge and skills of participants on the compilation and dissemination of supply and use tables. Supply and Use tables serve as the basis for compilation of a range of accounts such as regional accounts, environments accounts labour accounts, tourism accounts and are used to validate / improve estimates of GDP. In the present context, these are also used for measuring the effect of globalization, digitization and sustainable development including wellbeing.
11 - 12 December 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Fourteenth Management Seminar for the Heads of National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific: The Future of Economic Statistics
The Management Seminar aims to strengthen the leadership and management capabilities of the heads of national statistical offices (NSOs) by providing a forum to discuss, exchange views and share experiences. The theme of this year’s seminar is "Future of Economic Statistics". The seminar will draw on the experience of participants in identifying present level of production and use of official economic statistics in countries in the region and further expectation in terms of production of new economic and related indicators. More detials.....
10 December 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Fifth Meeting of Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific
The Network meeting facilitates information sharing and promotes coordination among national statistical training institutions, regional and international statistical training providers, and donor agencies that provide funding for statistical trainings in the region. More detials.....
9 - 10 December 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Fifteenth session of the Governing Council of SIAP
11 - 14 November 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Sixth Regional Training Course on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT)
The training course is geared towards a) familiarising participants to the NSDS framework, anchored on the results based management principle; b) providing overview and understanding of new topics that are crucial to consider in strategic planning; and c) linking the ADAPT in the NSDS and national development planning processes. The training aims to strengthen the capacity of senior managers of NSOs and national planning agencies to prepare data plans that would address national data needs as well as advocate for better appreciation of data and statistics as important elements in national development planning.
6 - 8 November 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Data Visualization Training
This training course is to foster learning of NSO statisticians to have better understanding of data visualization principles and practices and what tools are available, how to use these tools, and create their own data visualization. Further, the training will facilitate appreciation of the organizational dimensions associated with data visualization and will explore how participants could implement this new learning in their own work.
21 - 24 October 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Regional capacity development workshop for countries from Asia and the Pacific (RAP) on Farm Survey Based SDG Indicators
This regional workshops is to provide capacity development on methodology, data collection and calculation of selected SDG indicators related to sustainable and productive agriculture to government officials responsible for monitoring SDGs. These include SDG indicators 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4.1, 5.a.1 and 12.3.1.
14 - 18 October 2019 | Perak, Malaysia
Country Course on Population and Housing Censuses: International Recommendations and Use of Emerging Technologies and Methodologies
This country course aims to provide the latest developments in alternative methodologies, use of technology in census operations, review of revised international census recommendations and estimation of key demographic indicators in order to illustrate the effective use of census data in producing key official statistics.
14 - 18 October 2019 | Perak, Malaysia
Country Course on Labour Accounts
The main objective of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills of participants on the compilation of labour accounts. Australian labour accounts and issues that are encountered during compilation will be used as a case study. Malaysia’s data will be used as an exercise on the compilation of labour accounts for one of the quadrants. More details....
30 September - 4 October 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on SDGs Indicators: Measuring decent work using microdata from labour force surveys
This regional course aims to better equip national and international stakeholders in the new SDGs statistical monitoring system. It is designed to enhance institutional capacity to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to decent work. It emphasises the importance of processing Labour Force Surveys (LFS) microdata to produce and disseminate SDGs indicators. more details...
10 - 12 September | Chiba, Japan
Third Statistical Leadership Training and Innovation Seminar for Heads of National Statistical Offices
The Statistical Leadership Training program intends to unlock the participants’ potential to be effective in leadership roles and processes. At the end of the training, participants are expected to explain and model their learning to others in their organizations. Participants will be able to disseminate what they’ve learned by taking active roles in leadership and also develop creativity through the activities and tools provided in the training.
2 - 6 September 2019, Chiba, Japam
Training Programme on Environment Statistics and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for SDGs
The training programme provides the opportunity for participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks, with hands-on sessions, of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), with the overall aim to strengthen capacity to produce a set of statistics and indicators to inform environment-related policy decisions at the national and international levels.
19 August - 29 November 2019, Chiba, Japan
Second Group Training Programme on Theory and Practices in Official Statistics for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This course was jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen capability of entities comprising the national statistical system in developing countries to produce, interpret and disseminate key official statistics, with a particular focus on data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
17 July 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Training Course on Project Management and Administrative Issues for SIAP
3 June - 12 July 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Second Statistical Analysis of Disaggregated SDG Indicators for Inclusive Development Policies
13 - 15 May 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Workshop on Quality of Statistics for SDG Indicators
The workshop will provide an opportunity to participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks for the quality of statistics through hands-on sessions, with the overall aim of enhancing the capacity to produce a set of statistics including indicators, to track and monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). .... more details
15 - 19 April 2019 | Daejon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Big Data for Sustainable Development
This training course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to incorporate new data sources, including Big Data, into their statistical production processes. This will enhance the capacity to provide of high-quality, timely and reliable data to produce the relevant SDG indicators and other statistics. This training aims at sharing experience and building the skills required for the production and dissemination of official statistics with new data sources.
28 January - 8 March 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Training Programme on Innovations in Use of New Data Sources and Methodologies for SDG Statistics
This course was jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen the innovative capabilities of national statistical systems to explore new data sources such as geo-spatial information, big data, and alternative administrative data, and apply alternative/non-traditional methods for SDG statistics. The program will also develop ability to use the non-traditional supplementary data for disaggregation of SDG statistics.