Regional Course on SDGs Indicators: Measuring decent work using microdata from labour force surveys

30 September - 4 October 2019 | Chiba, Japan


This regional course aims to better equip national and international stakeholders in the new SDGs statistical monitoring system. It is designed to enhance institutional capacity to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to decent work. It emphasises the importance of processing Labour Force Surveys (LFS) microdata to produce and disseminate SDGs indicators. 

Concept Note


a group of people in business attire posing for a photo

Decent work in the 2030 Development Agenda; SDGs decent work indicators pdf
Defining and measuring key labour market indicators (employment, unemployment, NEET, time-related underemployment…)pdf
Defining and measuring key labour market indicators: unemployment (SDG 8.5.2) and youth NEET (SDG 8.6.1)pdf
STATA basics Getting started and Managing datapdf
Group work - Deriving key labour market variables with STATApdf
Classification of ICSE, ISCO and ISIC including Women in managerial positions (SDG 5.5.2)pdf
Group work – Deriving classifications with STATApdf
SDGs Goal 8: Informal employment (SDG 8.3.1) Concepts and measurement of onformalitypdf
Group work – Deriving informality with STATA 1pdf
Group work – Deriving informality with STATA 2pdf
Review of existing and available Labour Market Microdata (LFS, HIES, other Household Surveys)pdf
Measuring the Informal Economy (Sharing ADB's experience)pdf