Principles & Practices of Official Statistics for SDG
30 - 31 May 2017, Baku, Azerbajain
Subregional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for High-Level Official Statisticians
The workshop brought the heads and senior managers of the national statistical offices (NSOs) of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan together to exchange experiences and lessons from national SDG data readiness assessments, mappings of national indicators to the global framework, and the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of National Strategies for the Developments of Statistics (NSDSs). ... more details
26 to 30 September 2016, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Second Sub-regional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [Central Asia]
The subregional workshops, through facilitated discussions, will provide national authorities with the tools needed to implement the Goals. They will ensure that the Goals and proposed regional vision are aligned, enabling concrete action at subregional and national levels. The workshops also will create focused plans to assist in the integration of the regional vision into national strategies and forums. ...more details
5 to -9 September 2016, Greater Noida, India
First Sub-regional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The subregional workshops, through facilitated discussions, will provide national authorities with the tools needed to implement the Goals. They will ensure that the Goals and proposed regional vision are aligned, enabling concrete action at subregional and national levels. The workshops also will create focused plans to assist in the integration of the regional vision into national strategies and forums. ....more