Subregional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for High-Level Official Statisticians
Principles & Practices of Official Statistics for SDG
30 - 31 May 2017 , Baku, Azerbajain
The objective of the workshop is to enhance the capacity of heads of national statistical offices and their senior managers to provide leadership of national statistical systems to prioritize actions for the accelerated development of a solid framework of SDG indicators and statistical data meeting the requirements of the 2030 Agenda, with a focus on the need to enhance the skills base of staff through training. The workshop will bring the heads and senior managers of the national statistical offices (NSOs) of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan together to exchange experiences and lessons from national SDG data readiness assessments, mappings of national indicators to the global framework, and the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of National Strategies for the Developments of Statistics (NSDSs)
Related Documents | |
Concept Note | |
Daily Programme | |
Information Note for SIAP-Funded Participants (as of 26 April 2017) |
Workshop materials | |
Session 1: Where we stand: global and regional developments | |
Session 2: National SDG indicator frameworks: status and needs | |
Session 3: Meeting national statistics requirements for the 2030 Agenda | |
Session 3: Latest values in SDG indicators global database | link |
Session 4: Transforming and modernizing statistical business processes | |
Session 5: Meeting the challenge: readiness for grasping the opportunity to accelerate statistics development |