First Sub-regional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs)
Principles & Practices of Official Statistics for SDG
Greater Noida, India, 5 to -9 September 2016
This workshop is designed to facilitate discussions and build capacity to translate into concrete terms the proposed regional vision and action areas into sub-regional and national
level actions. Specifically, the workshop will:
• Provide participants with a clear understanding of the emerging SDG indicator architecture and links and implications to existing indicator-based monitoring frameworks1 and building national statistical capacity to provide relevant data to
monitor development progress;
• Facilitate consideration and formulation of national and sub-regional implementation strategies and actions of the proposed regional framework for action; and
• Support the development of appropriate indicator frameworks for SDGs implementation by equipping participants with knowledge, skills and tools needed
for a systematic assessment and identification of data shortfalls due to inadequate disaggregation, reporting, financing and methodology.
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Concept Note | |
Daily Programme |
Topics of Workshop | |
• MODULE 1: SDG Overview - Global, Regional and Sub-Regional Progress • MODULE 2: SDGs - Serving National Development Progress • MODULE 3: Transforming Official Statistics in Support of the SDGs • MODULE 4: Tools to Support the Transformation Process in Support of the SDGs • MODULE 5: Translating global, regional and sub-regional vision to national actions |
Transforming Institutions is Transforming People - Capacity Building (Country Presentation) | |
Monitoring National Development Plans in Afghanistan | |
Data and Statistics for Monitoring Development Plans in Bangladesh | |
Setting Priorities for Data Support to 7th FYP and SDGs: Overview (Bangladesh) | |
Monitoring National Development Plan in Bhutan | |
Template for National Strategy for Action for Transforming Official Statistics in Support of the 2030 Development Agenda: India | |
Data and Statistics for Monitoring Development Plans in Nepal | |
Data and Statistics for Monitoring Development Plans in Sri Lanka |