Business statistics
Webinar [26 April, 31 May and 28 June 2023]
Webinars on Indicators on business performance related to well-being and sustainability
Historically business statistics have focused very much in measuring the economic performance and competitiveness of businesses. However, businesses play a very important role toward sustainability and wellbeing. Since its establishment in 2018, the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UN CEBTS) recognized the need to measure the role of businesses toward sustainability and wellbeing and thus created a dedicated task team to address the measurement challenges. The Task team identified a set of 18 reference indicators related to the measurement of the business sector’s impact on well-being and sustainability.
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Online Module [9 - 16 May 2018] Face-to-Face Module [21 - 25 May 2018, Perak, Malaysia]
Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers: Data sources, maintenance and quality assurance
The course will be divided into two parts: a self-paced online module and a face-to-face module. Completion of both the online and face-to-face modules will be required to obtain a training certificate. This regional course aims to provide a platform for demonstrating good practices and exchanging experiences in dealing with challenges and issues in the development, maintenance and use of statistical business registers (SBRs). >>more details....
10 - 13 December 2017, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers: Making better use of administrative data
This regional course objective provided a platform for demonstrating best practices and exchanging experiences in dealing with challenges and issues in the maintenance, use and improvement of statistical business registers (SBRs). >>more details....
Online Module [24-30 August 2015]
Regional Workshop on Improving Use of Administrative Data in Production of Official Statistics: Role of Statistical Register Systems
Face-to-Face Module [12-16 September 2015, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran] The workshop will provide opportunities for the participants to learn from advanced statistical systems about how statistical register systems are constructed, how linking between different base registers are created and how official statistics are produced from statistical registers.
26 – 30 January 2015, Perak, Malaysia