Webinars on Indicators on business performance related to well-being and sustainability:

26 April, 31 May and 13 September | online |

Target audience and main objectives

Target audience

The target audience for these webinars are entry, mid-level and high-level government officials with the responsibility for collection, compilation, and dissemination of international trade statistics. These include, national statistics offices (NSOs), ministries of foreign affairs and foreign trade, trade boards, Customs, Tax Offices, ministries of finance and central banks and similar organizations.  The webinar is also recommended for users of digital trade statistics and those interested in learning more about measuring digital trade. 

The main objectives of the webinar are:

  1. Establish the importance of digital trade. 
  2. Understand the conceptual framework for digital trade.  
  3. Introduce sources and methods for measuring digital trade. 
  4. Provide compliers range of examples and practical applications to start measuring digital trade. 
  5. Emphasize the importance of disseminating digital trade statistics from the policy perspective. 


Concept Note


webinar recording #1 (26 April 2023)


webinar recording #2 (31 May 2023)


webinar recording #3 ( 13 September 2023)

Presentation files

Webinar 1 (26 April): Introduction to the importance of measuring the impact of businesses on wellbeing and sustainability

Description: This webinar will provide an introduction to the importance of measuring the impact of businesses on selected aspects of wellbeing and sustainability, the rationale and purpose of the suggested business statistics indicators, their link to the SDGs indicators and the role of non-financial reporting in producing these indicators. Examples of compiling and dissemination on selected indicators will be presented.
Introduction to indicators on business impact on well-being and sustainabilitySoren Andersen, Chair UNCEBTSpdf
Importance of businesses for wellbeing and sustainabilityBernard Frey, UN Global Compactpdf
New opportunities for data sources for business statistics - the role core indicators for entity reporting for SDGsElena Botvina, UNCTADpdf
Importance on standards for sustainability reporting and new developmentsTabitha Bailey, Global Reporting Initiativepdf
Country examples - Business statistics and SDGsOle Olsen, Statistics Denmarkpdf

Webinar 2 (31 May): Compiling business statistics indicators related to selected aspects of environmental sustainability.

Description: This webinar will focus on business indicators related to selected aspects of environmental sustainability (e.g. indicator related to water, energy, emission etc.). It will cover a review of data sources and data compilation. It will also provide as a forum to share country experiences and identifying areas of further work.
Business related environmental indicatorsOle Olsen, Statistics Denmarkpdf
Business statistics indicators related to the environment and the SEEAJessica Chan, UNSDpdf

Presentation of country example

- Business&Environment Related Statistics of TurkStat

- Malaysia in Compiling System of Environmental Economic Accounting for Malaysia (MYSEEA) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 and 7

Ebru Unal, TurkStat

Komitha Pindaya, DOSM

Round table on challenges and opportunities in the compilation of these indicators (chaired by presenters)

Webinar 3 (13 September): Compiling of indicators of business performance related to selected social aspects of well-being and sustainability.

Description: This webinar will focus on business indicators related to selected social aspects e.g gender, employment, productivity etc. It will cover a review of data sources and data compilation. It will also provide as a forum to share country experiences and identifying areas of further work.
Introduction of business statistics indicators related to selected social aspects of wellbeing and sustainabilitySoren Andersen
Importance of business for wellbeing and social inclusionVincent Siegerink
Presentation of country examples
Wellbeing and sustainability indicators - Examples from Australian Labour StatisticsManpreet Singh, ABSpdf
Measuring Labour Productivity in MalaysiaYong Joo Chiet, DOSMpdf


Reference materials
Manual on Principal Indicators for Business and Trade Statisticspdf