Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers:
Making a Business Case for an Operational Statistical Business Register
26 – 30 January 2015, Perak, Malaysia
The course aims to provide a platform for demonstrating good practices and exchanging experiences in dealing with challenges and issues in the development, maintenance and use of statistical business registers and for developing a business case for supporting an operational SBR suitable to national contexts.
Article | |
Article | Link |
Concept Note | |
Provisional Programme (as of 27 January 2015) |
Course Materials [Materials will be posted on this page as they become available] | |
Module 0 - What is a Statistical Business Register (SBR)? | |
Demonstrations of SBRs : Malaysia | |
Demonstrations of SBRs : Australia | |
Module 1: - Understanding the role of SBRs | |
SBRs within the national statistical system | |
Country presentation on organizational and operational issues : Malaysia | |
Country presentation on organizational and operational issues : Indonesia | |
Organizational and operational issues | |
Building a Business Case for an SBR: A Framework for SBR Development | |
A Template for Building a Business Case for an SBR and an Application: ABS Model | |
Template for Business Case for an Operational Statistical Business Register | |
Module 2 – Key Design Considerations | |
Conceptual Issues: Coverage and Units | |
Conceptual issues: content/variables (Identification variables; Start and end dates; Economic variables; Stratification variables/ classification variables; Linkage to source registers and other registers) | |
Issues in the selection of data sources | |
Handling issues in the use of administrative registers (ABS) | |
Country presentation on considerations in selecting data sources for SBRs - Indonesia | |
Country presentation on considerations in selecting data sources for SBRs - Hong Kong | |
Design Considerations in Practice: Putting it all together; The ABS SBR Model | |
Module 3 – Issues in Maintaining SBRs | |
Overview of Issues in Maintaining SBRs and Considerations for a Maintenance Strategy | |
Overview of Issues in Maintaining SBRs and Considerations for a Maintenance Strategy: Country practice -Fiji | |
Handling changes in identification and descriptive characteristics | |
Country practice in handling changes in variables : Philippines | |
Handling changes in demographic and linkage characteristics | |
Profiling | |
Handling changes in continuity | |
Country practice in Handling changes in continuity - Singapore | |
Module 4: Issues in assuring quality of SBRs | |
Errors in SBRs | |
Country practices in handling errors - Malaysia | |
Country practices in handling errors - Viet Nam | |
Quality in SBRs : Concepts in quality and quality assurance | |
Quality in SBRs : Quality measures and Quality gates | |
Module 5. Issues in establishing an SBR | |
Practices of the ABS Business Register on Confidentiality, Access and Dissemination | |
SBR system and information technology requirements | |
Module 6. Developing a business case for SBRs | |
Strategic planning for SBR development |
Reference materials | |
Guidelines for Building Statistical Business Registers in Africa | |
Business Registers: Recommendations manual (Eurostat) | |
International Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers |
Country papers | |
Cambodia | |
China | |
Fiji | |
Hong Kong, China | |
India | |
Indonesia | |
Lao's People Democratic Republic | |
Malaysia | |
Philippines | pdf |
Singapore | |
Viet Nam |