Data visualization
13 January - 3 March 2021 | Online
e-Learning Course on Principles of Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators
e-Learning Course on Principles of Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators
This course introduces data visualization as a tool to produce high-quality graphics for monitoring official statistics and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators.
The course provides an opportunity for participants to explore and comprehend the techniques of data visualization for exploration as well as for dissemination. Participants will discover, evaluate and apply the rules of data visualization on devoted cases studies and tackle the problem of visualizing complex data. The course proposes also strategies for visualizing in multi-dimensions as well as practical methods for representing statistical indicators on maps or with dashboards.
Course Guideline
13 January - 3 March 2021 | Online
Data Visualization Training
This training course is to foster learning of NSO statisticians to have better understanding of data visualization principles and practices and what tools are available, how to use these tools, and create their own data visualization. Further, the training will facilitate appreciation of the organizational dimensions associated with data visualization and will explore how participants could implement this new learning in their own work.
Daily programme