Regional Training on Using Population Census Data for Planning and Decision Making: Thematic Analysis on Youth (Blended Learning)
e-Learning Module (Online) [22 July - 2 August 2013]
On line Materials | |
Introduction | |
Census of population and housing: objectives, contents and data outputs (reading material) | |
Exercises 1.1 | |
Basic Demographic and Fertility Concepts and Definitions Age, Marital status, Fertility, Children ever born alive, Children living, Date of birth of last child born alive, Age, date or duration of first marriage, Age of mother at birth of first child born alive | |
Fundamental definitions and concepts related to Education in population census Literacy, School attendance, School attainment, Field of education , Educational qualifications | |
Basic Definitions and Concepts Related to Economic Activity in Census -Economic activity,Active population, Employed population, Unemployed population, Economically Inactive (Not in the labour force) population | |
Exercises 2.1 | |
Basic demographic analysis of census data - What is demography?; Demographic data; State of population; Population pyramids; Practical: 10 steps to population pyramid | |
Assignment I: Constructing a population pyramid in Excel | xls |
Assignment II: Subsetting census data (for those participants working in national statistical office) | doc |
Assignment II: A simple thematic analysis (for those participants who work OUTSIDE national statistical office) | doc |
Face to Face Module [2 - 6 September 2013, Chiba, Japan]
Workshops Materials: | |
Session1: Foreign Workers in Malaysia Assessment of its Economic Effects & Review of the Policy and System | |
Session2_Youth Employment In Malaysia; Skills Development and Employment Pprograme for Youth to Meet Demand for High Income Economy Foundations of Thematic Analysis | |
Session4: Use of statistical data for national and local planning for youth | |
Session 5: Integrating a gender perspective into census thematic analysis on youth | |
Session6: Setting targets and indicators; Lessons learned from the MDGs | |
Session7: Interpreting trends and measuring progress in Education | |
Session 8: Interpreting trends and measuring progress | |
Session9: Measures of association | |
Session10: Analysis of labor migration using population census data | |
Session11: Data preparation | |
Session12: Quality of official statistics | |
Session13_Redatam_Cambodia_On-line_demonstration |