Labour statistics
14 - 18 October 2019, Perak, Malaysia
Country Course on Labour Accounts
The main objective of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills of participants on the compilation of labour accounts. Australian labour accounts and issues that are encountered during compilation will be used as a case study. Malaysia’s data will be used as an exercise on the compilation of labour accounts for one of the quadrants.
30 September – 4 October 2019, Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on SDGs Indicators: Measuring decent work using microdata from labour force surveys
This regional course aims to better equip national and international stakeholders in the new SDGs statistical monitoring system. It is designed to enhance institutional capacity to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to decent work. It emphasises the importance of processing Labour Force Surveys (LFS) microdata to produce and disseminate SDGs indicators. more details...
19 - 22 November 2018, Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on SDG Indicators: Measuring decent work in the context of the SDGs
This regional course aims to better equip national and international stakeholders in the new SDGs statistical monitoring system. It is designed to enhance institutional capacity to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information and other indicators related to decent work. It emphasises the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) resolution on statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization as an important pillar of the new SDG indicator framework, not only for targets in Goal 8 but also in other Goals related to the decent work agenda
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16 - 20 October 2017, Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on Informality:
Definitions, Measurement, SDGs and Other Policy Indicators
The causes and consequences of informal employment and employment in informal sector and their impact on achieving sustainable development continues to gain attention in national development agendas. This regional training course brings together statisticians and labour analysts from Asia-Pacific national statistical systems to discuss technical aspects and share experiences in the production and use of statistics on informality. Participants will also discuss compilation of SDG indicators.
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6 - 10 July 2015, Chiba, Japan