Regional Course on SNA 2008 (Special Topics): Improving Exhaustiveness of GDP Coverage

31 August – 4 September 2015, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


(a) Apply SNA 2008 concepts and definitions in the compilation of national accounts statistics and
(b) Expand and increase exhaustiveness in the coverage of GDP estimates in national accounts statistics. 

Concept Note

Provisional Programme

Course Materials

Module One- Key Changes in the SNA 2008

Objectives: (a) to illustrate key differences between the SNA2008 and SNA1993; (b) to highlight implications of adopting SNA2008 on estimates of GDP series.

Session 1.1-How are countries doing?pdf
Session 1.1 Status of global and regional implementation of the 2008 SNA and the major challengespdf
Session 1.2- SNA 2008 Changes impact on GDPpdf

Module Two: Coverage of GDP

Objectives: (a) to provide a snapshot of the scope of GDP and its exhaustiveness for specific areas in the light of SNA2008; (b) to discuss methods and approaches to measure the non-observed economy and imputed rents.

Session 2.1- Non-observed economy: What is the non-observed economy?— Some aspectspdf
Session 2.2- Informal activity: Methods and Estimation Techniquespdf
Session 2.3-A Owner Occupied Dwellings- Estimating imputed rent (Conceptual Issues)pdf
class="indent" Session 2.3-B Owner Occupied Dwellings- Estimating imputed rent (Measurement Issues )pdf
Session 2.4- Financial services associated with insurance and pension schemes(Insurance)pdf
Financial services provided in association with interest charges on loans and depositspdf
Session 2.4- Overview of charges for financial servicespdf
Session 2.4- Financial services associated with insurance and pension schemes (Social insurance schemes)pdf
Session 2.5- Research and development expenditures—Estimation methodspdf
Session 2.6- Military expenditures— Estimation methodspdf

Module Three: Use of volume and prices measures in estimation of national accounts Aggregates

Objectives: a) to discuss use and application of appropriate price indices in the derivation of constant price aggregates of national accounts; b) to review relevant volume measures for estimating aggregates

Session 3.1-Price and volume measures in national accounts: Introductionpdf
Session 3.2- Price and volume measures in national accounts: Practical methods and problem areaspdf
Session 3.3- Price and volume measures in national accounts: Illustrative example



Session 3.4 a - Price and volume measures : Rebasing and linking;pdf
Session 3.4b - Price and volume measures in national accounts: Rebasing and linking; other topicspdf

Module Four: Quality Issues in National Accounts

Objective: a) to review quality concepts and selected quality issues in national accounts; b) to discuss the uses of national quality assurance frameworks and data quality assessment frameworks for assuring and assessing quality of national accounts.

Session 4.1a- Quality and Quality Frameworks: Overview of quality dimensionspdf
Session 4.1b- Quality and Quality Frameworks: Use of the IMF DQAF for national accounts quality assessmentpdf
Session 4.2a - Data quality in national accounts: Accuracy and timeliness: Quality issues: exploiting VAT datapdf
Session 4.2b - Data quality in national accounts: Accuracy and timeliness: Improving quality in import price indicespdf
Session 4.3- Assessing quality by confronting data from different sourcespdf

Module Five : Way forward

Objective: Develop a set of actions/activities to improve coverage of GDP estimates and quality of national accounts in light of the SNA2008.

Session 5.1- Expert Consultation
Session 5.2- Way forward: Next steps by countries— identifying actions to be taken over the next six months

Financial Handbook: Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the System of National Accounts


Country Reports & Country Presentations


