Regional Workshop on Improving Use of Administrative Data in Production of Official Statistics: Role of Statistical Register Systems

Face-to-Face Module: 12-16 September 2015, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Country Presentations
Integration of base registers in a statistical register system in Armeniapdf
Business Register of the Republic of Armeniapdf
Hong Kong
Statistical / Administrative Registers and Register-based Statistics in Hong Kongpdf
Register of Quarters of Hong Kongpdf
Integration of Registers Matching Problems and Privacy Concernpdf
Islamic Republic of Iran
Building and Maintenance SBR in IRANpdf
Republic of Korea
Building Business Registerpdf
Register Based Statistics in Statistics Korea(KOSTAT)pdf
Register based census 2015pdf
Examples of register-based statisticspdf
Country Presentation Malaysiapdf
Intergration of Base Registers in a Statistical Register Systempdf
Key Statistics of Census Malaysiapdf
Statistical Property/Adress Registerpdf
Statistical / Administrative register systempdf
Integration of Base Registers in a Statistical Register Systempdf
Viet Nam
Building and maintenance of SBRpdf
Role of Statistical Register Systems: Building and maintenance of SBRpdf