Target Audiences of Trainees
Describe how to develop and produce price indexes.Introduce other types of price indexes.Identify issues related specifically to price index compilationDescribe the design, data collection,…
Introduce the various forms of tax data and their uses as data sources.
Explain the need for classifications and describe and detail the classifications with emphasis on those used for national accounts and prices.
(i) Identify possible reasons why the production-based and expenditure-based estimates will almost certainly not balance; and(ii) Show how the SUT tool may be used to assist this balancing.
Introduce concepts of GNI, GNDI and savings – what they are, why they are important, how they are used and how to calculate.
(i) Describe some practical methods for estimating GDP in a timely way;(ii) Explain practical steps in establishing a benchmark level of GDP and its components(iii) Show how the SUT tool may be used…
Show how GDP may be estimated from the production side. Focus is on value estimates.
Provide an overview of SUT, data sources, compilation and use.
Show how GDP may be compiled from the expenditure approach. Focus is on value estimates.
Explain purpose, focus and structure of the course, how to use the materials.Intended for both compilers and trainers.written material, no slides
To elaborate the concepts and definitions that underpin the SNA and other economic statistics.
Provide a brief overview of the economy and the statistical system that we use to measure the activities in the economy.short exercise