Organizational Meeting of theNetwork for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific
22 – 24 April 2014, Chiba, Japan
The Bureau is establishing the Network in line with Decision 3/8 of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics (the Committee). The decision endorsed a strategy for improving regional coordination of statistical training prepared by the Working Group of the Regional Coordination of Statistical Training and requested the Bureau to establish an advisory group to implement the recommendations of the Working Group , with the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) as its secretariat.
Meeting Materials | |
Provisional Agenda | |
Core skills framework for Statisticians of NSOs in developing countries | |
Agenda item 2- Reaching a common understanding of the Network | |
Network: Terms of Reference | |
The integration of agriculture statistics in NSS within the Global Strategy Implications on capacity building and training coordination | |
Agenda item 3- The ‘How’ of Coordination by the Network | |
The ‘How’ of Coordination by the Network | |
ANS Program to Strengthen Pacific Statistics: A synthesis of key lessons, challenges and future strategy oprions | |
Agenda item 4- Assuring a common language and tools for coordination | |
Coordinated Training needs assessment (TNA) | |
Skills Audit Analysis Results, 2011 | pdf |
Agenda Item 5- Informing coordination: training priorities and identifying gaps at the regional level | |
Regional training priorities—CST | |
Indonesia: Education and Training Center: BPS | |
Iran: Statistical Research and Training Center | |
Korea: Fulfilling Statistical Powerhouse | |
Philippines: Experience of the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute | |
Agenda item 6- Towards a 2014-2015 Work Programme of the Network | |
Statistical Education and Training in China | |
Russia: Information Note | |
USP: Presentation | |
Agreements |