Sixth Workshop on Forging Partnerships in Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific
Networking and Coordination for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
2 – 4 September 2014 | Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
The workshop aims to organize a network of training partners for agricultural and rural statistics as a sub-group of the Asia-Pacific Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training (the Network) which is mandated by the ESCAP Committee on Statistics and was established in April 2014 with 24 members.
Objectives of the workshop :
• To develop and agree on the terms of reference of the sub-group for agricultural and rural statistics;
• To map out a work programme of the sub-group for 2014-2015 and
• To design a training-of-trainers course for applying core skills frameworks and training needs assessment tools at the country level.
Workshop Materials | |
Agenda item 2: Developing a Consensus on the Sub-Group for Agriculture Statistics | |
The integration of agriculture statistics in NSS within the Global Strategy Implications on capacity building and training coordination | |
The Global Strategy Technical Assistance and Training components: Creation of public goods and links with regional training programs | |
Overview of the training component of the Asia-Pacific Regional Action Plan (RAP)of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural & Rural Statistics | |
Progress with Implementation in Asia Pacific | |
Training Component of the Regional Action Plan | |
Overview of the Network Outcomes and TOR of the Sub-Group for Agricultural and Rural Statistics | |
Agenda item 3: Developing a Work Program for the Sub-Group | |
Item 3-a: Trigger presentations: UNECA on working with statistical training institutes in developing training needs assessments tools for agricultural and rural statistics | |
Item3-b: Position Classifications in Philippine Statistical Offices | |
Item 3-b: On Career Development Planning for Statistician (ETC-BPS | |
Item 3-d: Trigger presentation: UNECA on working with statistical training institutes in developing course curricula and syllabuses for agricultural and rural statistics | |
Agenda Item 4- Taking specific action: Developing a Training for Trainers Course | |
Developing a Training for Trainers Course | |
Training Wing Pakistan | |
A Curriculum for Training on Agricultural and Rural Statistics, India |