Gender statistics
Integrating the gender perspective in the the production, analysis, use and dissemination of official statistics is the goal of SIAP training courses on gender statistics. The training approach also takes the perspective that gender statistics cuts across all fields of statistics and focuses on building capacity of statistical institutions to produce and disseminate core gender statistics and indicators and to improve coordination with users of gender statistics.
e-Learning Course on Crime Statistics from Gender Perspective
The demand for timely and high-quality crime statistics are on the rise to meet the challenges of monitoring the crime and criminal justice-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators. This course introduces the crime statistics in relation to gender perspective to produce reliable and sufficient indicators to monitor relevant SDG. This course highlights basic concepts, methods and frameworks required to compile crime statistics from a gender perspective, and provide knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of working with different types of data sources (administrative data, sample surveys).
18 - 22 November 2019 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Monitoring the SDGs from Gender Perspectives
The course will provide the opportunity for participants to learn concepts and frameworks on statistics and indicators related to SDG 5, with the overall aim to strengthen capacity to produce a set of statistics, including indicators, to inform gender policy decisions at the national and international levels.
10 - 13 December 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Workshop on Gender Statistics and SDG Indicators 5.a.1 and 5.a.2
The regional workshop aims to raise awareness and build technical capacity of national experts in Asia and the Pacific region in terms of the importance and use of sex-disaggregated statistics in agriculture, and for compilation, use and reporting of SDG indicators 5.a.1 and 5.a.2. Further details on the course are in the attached Concept Note ...more details.
12 -16 November 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Workshop on Gender Statistics for SDG Indicators
The workshop will provide an opportunity to participants to learn the basic concepts, compilation and analysis related to gender statistics through hands-on sessions, with the overall aim of enhancing the capacity to produce a set of gender related indicators, to track and monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...more details.
19 _ 20 June 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Gender Mainstreaming Policies for Government Officers, Kitakyushu (Co -Creation Program)
23 to 24 January 2018 | Chiba, Japan