Big Data
8 November - 17 December 2021 | Online
e-Learning Course on Machine Learning for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators
The course is designed for personnel working in the field of statistics, whose main responsibilities include data analysis of SDG indicators and related statistics with a specific target on data scientists from NSOs with an experience in both statistical modelling (regression analysis, prediction, classification, ...) and with programming or algorithmic skills. Although no programming will be required to follow and succeed in the course, the pedagogical materials include R code, in the form of reproducible markdown notebooks, as well as some Python resources and code.
15 - 19 April 2019 | Daejon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Big Data for Sustainable Development
This training course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to incorporate new data sources, including Big Data, into their statistical production processes. This will enhance the capacity to provide of high-quality, timely and reliable data to produce the relevant SDG indicators and other statistics. This training aims at sharing experience and building the skills required for the production and dissemination of official statistics with new data sources.
25 - 29 June 2018 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Big Data for Sustainable Development
This training course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to incorporate new data sources, including Big Data, into their statistical production processes. This will enhance the capacity to provide of high-quality, timely and reliable data to produce the relevant SDG indicators and other statistics.