Environment statistics
Environment is one of the three pillars of sustainable development. The Agenda 2030 and accompanying Sustainable Development Goals have a strong environmental component and recognize the importance of properly managing environmental assets for the benefit of current and future generations in a equitable manner. Furthermore, the SDGs call for regular reporting of indicators on many environmental topics such as biodiversity, energy, ecosystem, oceans, land, sustainable consumption and production, water and waste.
To support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and to more broadly build capacity in countries for the compilation of environmentally related data, UNSIAP in collaboration with partners, continues to expand the number of e-learning courses on environment statistics, accounts and indicators. An introductory course on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting is available; a course on Energy Statistics and Accounts will be available in the second half of 2020. We encourage you to visit out platform on a regular basis to see what new courses are available.
30 August - 1 october 2021
e-Learning Course on Introduction to energy statistics and energy accounts - 2021
This course will focus on energy statistics and accounts, as well as some important energy aggregates and indicators (including SDGs). The energy accounts are based on the System for Environmental-Economic Accounting-Energy (SEEA-Energy) which is a multi-purpose conceptual framework for organizing energy-related statistics. It supports analysis of the role of energy within the economy, the state of energy inputs and various energy-related transactions of environmental interest. It is fully consistent with the SEEA Central Framework and follow a similar accounting structure to the System of National Accounts (SNA). By doing so, the SEEA-Energy allows us to develop indicators and conduct analysis on the economy-environment nexus, with a focus on energy.
26 July - 3 September 2021
e-Learning Course on Disaster related statistics framework (Indonesia National )
This course in Indonesian language aims to build national capacities for the compilation of disaster related statistics for enhancing disaster management and promote the risk-informed sustainable development in Indonesia.
e-Learning Course on Developing National Indicator Frameworks for SDG Monitoring
This course aims to provide insights on how to facilitate the alignment of national plans and indicator frameworks. It provides details on the important role statistical indicators play in monitoring national and sector plans.
e-Learning Course on Disaster related statistics framework
This course aims to build national capacities for the compilation of disaster related statistics for enhancing disaster management and promote the risk-informed sustainable development in the countries. The course also aims to facilitate national monitoring and reporting on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It introduces concepts relevant to compiling disaster related statistics
e-Learning Course on Introduction to energy statistics and energy accounts
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling energy statistics and accounts, including compilation of relevant SDG indicators. The topics covered include physical supply and use tables, asset accounts, valuation and data sources. Two webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions. Following the completion of the course and depending on resource availabilty, in-kind support will be provided to countries interested in the compilation of the energy accounts using tools that will be introduced and discussed during the course.
e-Learning Course on Introduction to the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA)-Central Framework
This course introduces the SEEA Central Framework, the international statistical standards for measuring the interactions between the environment and the economy. By providing an internationally agreed standard with agreed concepts, definitions and classifications, the SEEA is an invaluable tool for compiling integrated statistics on the economy and the environment.
2 - 6 September 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Training Programme on Environment Statistics and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for SDGs
The training programme provides the opportunity for participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks, with hands-on sessions, of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), with the overall aim to strengthen capacity to produce a set of statistics and indicators to inform environment-related policy decisions at the national and international levels.
17 - 21 September 2018 | Nadi, Fiji
Training Programme on Climate Change Related Statistics and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Pacific Island Countries
Development of evidence-based sustainable development strategies and policies relies on available and reliable statistics. Mainstreaming the measurement of environment concerns as part of the regular data collection programs of national statistical offices would give policy makers the means with which to make balanced policy choices for sustainable development. Such measurements will also assist with monitoring national and international sustainable development initiatives, including the sustainable development goals, the SAMOA Pathway for Small Island Developing States and the Pacific SDG Roadmap. more details...
27 November – 1 December 2017 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Training Course on Climate Change-Related Statistics
9 October – 10 November 2017 | On-line