Environment is one of the three pillars of sustainable development. The Agenda 2030 and accompanying Sustainable Development Goals have a strong environmental component and recognize the importance of properly managing environmental assets for the benefit of current and future generations in a equitable manner. Furthermore, the SDGs call for regular reporting of indicators on many environmental topics such as biodiversity, energy, ecosystem, oceans, land, sustainable consumption and production, water and waste.
To support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and to more broadly build capacity in countries for the compilation of environmentally related data, UNSIAP in collaboration with partners, continues to expand the number of e-learning courses on environment statistics, accounts and indicators. An introductory course on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting is available; a course on Energy Statistics and Accounts will be available in the second half of 2020. We encourage you to visit out platform on a regular basis to see what new courses are available.
<< Online courses >>
26 July - 20 August 2021
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling solid wastes accounts. The topics covered include physical supply and use tables, data sources, and country examples. Webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics, allow participants to ask questions and share country experiences in compiling solid waste accounts.
[Language: English & Arabic]
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling water statistics and accounts, and the compilation of relevant SDG indicators. The topics covered include physical supply and use tables, asset accounts, valuation and data sources. Three webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions.
This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling indicators that inform climate change. The topics covered include among others: climate change policies and indicators; energy and air emission accounts; and, data sources. Two webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions. Following the completion of the course and depending on resource availability, in-kind support will be provided to countries interested in the compilation of climate change indicators that will be introduced and discussed during the course.