Macroeconomic statistics

In support of the capacity-building requirements of statistical institutions in implementing the 2008 SNA and the production of a core set of economic statistics endorsed by the ESCAP Committee on Statistics and the Commission, SIAP has ramped up its course offerings on economic statistics. The training programme on 2008 SNA offers basic and intermediate-level e-Learning courses twice a year and an annual regional training course on advanced topics. The programme on economic statistics addresses capacity-building priorities, such as statistical business registers and the informal economy.
19 July - 9 August 2021 | Online | Language: Russian
e-Learning Course on Introduction to the System of National Accounts (SNA 2008)[Введение в систему национальных счетов (СНС 2008)]
19 July - 27 August 2021 | Online |
e-Learning Course on International Accounts
24 November - 31 December 2020
e-Learning Course on International Accounts
29 June - 31 August 2020 | On-line
e-Learning course on Intermediate-level e-learning Course on System of National Accounts (SNA): Integrated Transaction Accounts
20 - 24 January 2020 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on Supply and Use Tables
2 September - 4 October 2019 | On-line