SIAP participated in the 6th UNCEBTS meeting
18 - 21 September 2023
Pinar Ucar, Statistician/Lecturer

SIAP participated in the 6th meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS) took place from 18 - 21 September 2023 in Merida, Mexico. The meeting reviewed the progress of work of its task teams, addressed follow-up actions to the decisions of the United Nations Statistical Commission, and reviewed new developments and initiatives in business and trade statistics. In addition, the meeting provided an opportunity to review the mandate of the Committee to ensure that it reflects the current efforts by the Committee to better integrate business and trade statistics and also to strengthen the horizontal and vertical integration of business and trade statistics with other statistical domains.
SIAP representative made a presentation on the Webinar series on indicators on business impact on well being and sustainability. SIAP organized these webinars series jointly with UNSD and UNCEBTS Task Team on Well Being and Sustainability (26 April, 31 May and 13 September)