8th Meeting of the Sub-Group on Gender Statistics Training (SGGST)
14 - 16 November 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand
Sinovia Moonie, Statistician/Lecturer
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWomen) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific will host the Eighth Meeting of the Sub-Group on Gender Statistics Training (SGGST), from 14 to 16 November 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand.
This meeting will be an opportunity to build on the discussions and proceedings of the seventh meeting, which was held virtually on 14 September 2023. The objectives of the eighth meeting are:
- To undertake a thorough assessment of the revised content of the Gender Statistics Training Curriculum (modules, exercises, slide decks), further to the conclusions of the seventh virtual meeting
- To agree on a timeline for completion of the review exercise
- To finalize other overarching documents including the proposed monitoring and evaluation strategy and advocacy plans
- To identify the next steps for the Sub-Group and including details of the Training of Trainings in 2024