Subregional Training on Monitoring Financial Protection in Health (SDG 3.8.2 and related indicators)
23 - 26 October 2023 , Chiba, Japan
Sinovia Moonie, Statistician/Lecturer

As part of efforts to address low levels of reporting on SDG indicator 3.8.2 (focused on relatively large Out-of-Pocket (OOP) health spending), SIAP partnered with the World Health Organization to deliver a hybrid training. The training targeted only Pacific Islands Countries that had conducted a recent household income and expenditure survey. Through the training, participants learnt the importance of tracking SDG indicator 3.8.2, why additional indicators are needed and how the monitoring framework can be expanded to support relevant policy discussions. The training also focused significantly on the data requirements to monitor the lack of financial protection in health and data preparation using the R statistical software.
During the training, participants worked on their national data sets and were able to produce initial estimates of the indicator and other related indicators including one indicator on impoverishment due to expenditure on health. By the conclusion of the training, participants were also able to produce preliminary country fact profiles that were shared with their peers as individual presentations.
The face-to-face component of the training delivered in Japan from 23 – 26 October, was preceded by 8 hours of virtual training from 2 to 9 October that focused primarily in enhancing participants competency in the use of R and data preparation.