Introductory webinar on the 2025 System of National Accounts-Pacific session



25 March 2025




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The 2025 SNA framework will serve as the internationally recognized standard for compiling economic activity measures. It aims to enhance the understanding of well-being and sustainability while providing adaptable methods to integrate environmental and social dimensions into economic statistics. Critical conceptual and measurement issues, such as in advancements of digital products, the complex interplay between economic, social, and environmental factors, and the intricacies of global trade, have been harmonized and incorporated into the updated framework to a great extent.

As national statistical systems prepare to implement these updates, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Statistics Division, the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), and the Pacific Community (SPC) will jointly organize a webinar, in collaboration with the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts (ISWGNA) and Project Management Team, to inform participants about the objectives of the SNA update, its implementation strategy, and the key changes introduced in the 2025 framework. This webinar will also provide an overview of the consolidated recommendations for updating the 2008 SNA, ensuring that national statistical offices can transition smoothly to the revised framework. While the 2025 SNA update emphasizes international comparability, the implementation strategy acknowledges country-specific circumstances, including national priorities, data availability, and resource constraints. The discussion will highlight recommendations on how these updates can be implemented effectively, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, where some economies face significant resource limitations.


Concept Note PDF

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