Workshop of Quality on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicators
Quality statistics
23 - 25 April 2018| Chiba, Japan
The workshop provided an opportunity to participants to learn basic concepts and frameworks for the quality of statistics through hands-on sessions, with the overall aim of enhancing the capacity to produce a set of statistics including indicators, to track and monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
1. Participants understand what are quality data prerequisites for compiling, tracking and monitoring SDG indicators
2. Participants understand basic concepts and frameworks on quality of statistics
3. Participants are able to assist colleagues, whether in their own countries or elsewhere, in the compilation of the SDG indicators
4. Knowledge on generic NQAF is provided to enhance quality of statistics according to the specific circumstances of an individual country
5. Knowledge on DQAF is provided to enhance quality of statistics according to the specific circumstances of an individual country
6. Knowledge on e-GDDS is provided with input that is useful for the further development of SDG indicators
Topics of Workshop | |
Concept Note | |
Statistical quality assurance – an overview | |
Quality assessment | |
Practical training | |
Overview of the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) | |
Data Quality Assessment Frame Work - Generic Framework | |
The IMF Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) and its Application | |
The IMF Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) and its Application 2 | |
ROSC Rating | |
Case Study | |
Erewhon 3 Digit Table: Data Quality Assessment Framework - Detail Assessment for National Accounts Statistics |