Regional Training Course on Education-Related SDG indicators

15 - 19 October 2018 | Daejon, Republic of Korea


The course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of entities of national statistical systems to produce a set of education-related statistics, including indicators, to formulate, implement and evaluate esucation policy and track progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). 

Concept Note

Session 1.1 - Indicators for the SDGspdf
Session 1.2 -Monitoring of SDG4: Global and Regional Levelpdf
Session 2 - Coordination Mechanism of SDG4 - Education 2030pdf
Session 3.1 - Metadata for the global and thematic indicators for the follow-up and review of SDG 4 and Education 2030pdf
Session 3.2 - Monitoring of SDG4: What, How and Whopdf
Session 4 - Equality Issues in Education of Korea pdf
Session 5 - TVET for Decent Work in SDGspdf
Session 6 - Coordination Mechanism of SDG4 - Education 2030pdf
Session 7 - Primary and Secondary Education in Koreapdf
Session 8.1 - Early Childhood Development & Universal Pre-primary Educationpdf
Session 8.2 - Early Childhood Development & Universal Pre‐primary Educationpdf
Session 9.1 - Monitoring Target 4.7 (ESCD and GCED)pdf
Session 9.2 - The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) pdf
Session 10 - SDGs Monitoring in KOSTATpdf
Session 11 - Monitoring Target 4.8 (Literacy and Numeracy) pdf
Session 12 – Strengthening different data sources for an effective Monitoring SDG 4pdf
Session 13.1 - Designing the national M&E system 1.1: TO SHAPE FUTURE EDUCATION pdf
Session 13.2 - Designing the national M&E system for SDG4 (Education 2030): Emerging issues and challengespdf
Session 14 - Quality Management System for Official Statistics of Koreapdf