Title | Speaker/Presenter |
Day 1: 22 February 2023 Brief introduction to SNA 2008 |
Description: This session will focus on the current status of the global and regional implementation of the 2008 SNA and major challenges in the implementation |
2008 SNA implementation
Pinar Ucar, Statistician/Lecturer, SIAP
Mahinthan J. Mariasingham, Senior statistician and project officer, ADB |
Download | |
Country Experience in Implementation (Malaysia)
Mohd Yusri Abdul Rahim
Senior Assistant Director, National Accounts Statistics Division, Department of Statistics Malaysia |
Download | |
Country Experience in Implementation (Hong Kong, China)
Yiu Po, Alfred YUEN
Statistician (National Income), Census and Statistics Department, GovHK |
Download | |
Day 2: 23 February 2023 Webinar 2 : Country practices |
Description: This session will focus on the country experiences who have been implemented 2008 SNA and the ones who are in the stage of implementing. Second part of the session will provide general overview of the SNA 2025 update.
Country Experience in Implementation (Türkiye)
Bengi Yosunkaya
Expert, National Accounts Department, TURKSTAT |
Download | |
Country Experience in Implementation (Indonesia)
Ade Marsina Arsani
Statistician, Directorate of Expenditure Account, BPS |
Download | |
Country Experience in Implementation (Armenia)
Lusya Khachatryan
Head of macroeconomic indicators and national accounts division, ARMSTAT |
Download |
Towards the 2025 SNA-Q&A
Pinar Ucar, Statistician/Lecturer, SIAP
Download |
Webinar on 2008 SNA Implementation
Webinar on 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) Implementation
22 - 23 February 2023 | By invitation only
Virtual meeting, Chiba, Japan
These webinar series will focus on the current status of the implementation, challenges affecting the implementation and country practices to these challenges.
- Concept Note (Download)
The main learning outcomes of the series of webinars are:
- Introduce the current status of global and regional implementation of the 2008 SNA.
- Recognize the challenges in the implementation.
- Share country practices on the implementation.
- Provide a general overview of the "Towards the 2025 SNA".
Webinar 1 (22 February): The 2008 SNA Implementation
Welcome remarks
Organizer (SIAP)
Current status of the global and regional implementation of the 2008 SNA and Q&A
Mahinthan J. Mariasingham, ADB
Pinar Ucar, SIAP
Stretch Break
Main challenges in implementation
Country experience (Hong Kong, China)
Country experience (Malaysia)
Q&A (Presenters; Pinar Ucar, SIAP)
Webinar 2 (23 February): Country practices
Main challenges in implementation
Country experience in Implementation (Türkiye)
Country experience in Implementation (Indonesia)
Country experience in Implementation (Armenia)
Q&A (Presenters; Pinar Ucar, SIAP)
Stretch Break
Towards the 2025 SNA - Q&A
Pinar Ucar, SIAP
For more information, please contact
- Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP)
- +81 43 299 9782
- escap-siaptraining@un.org