Regional Course on Integrated Economic Statistics to Support 2008 SNA Implementation

18 – 21 April 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand


The The course is designed to enhance the capacity of participating countries to: 
a) Rationalize data sources for economic statistics and understand the interlinkages between the various data collections and compilations; 
b) Plan for effective economic census/enterprise survey questionnaires and tabulation plans; 
c) Plan for the use of economic census results for other economic data collections and in the compilation of national accounts.

Concept Note 
Daily Programme

Course Materials

 Module One : Statistical Infrastructure for Economic Statistics

Session 1.1 - Country Experiences in Conducting Economic Censuses and Surveys
Session 1.2 - A review of Economic Censuses and their role in national economic statistics pdf
Session 1.3 - Review and Assessment of Economic Census Toolspdf
Session 1.4 - Review and Assessment of Economic Census Toolspdf

Module Two : Integrating Statistical Business Registers into Economic Censuses

Session 2.1- Role of the Statistical Business Registers pdf
Session 2.2- Sector Accounts pdf

Module Three: Linking Economic Censuses and surveys with key national accounts aggregates

Reading material pdf
Session 3.1 - Review of the current accounts of the 2008 SNApdf
Session 3.2 - Review of the current accounts of the 2008 SNA-Data workshop xls
Session 3.3 - Review of the current accounts of the 2008 SNApdf
Session 3.4 - Review of the current accounts of the 2008 SNA
Session 3.5 - Review of the current accounts of the 2008 SNA-Data Workshop pdf
Session 3.6 - Framework of the Supply And Use Table pdf
Session 3.7- Compilation of SUT (exercise & Solution)



Module Four: Use of volume and prices measures in estimation of national accounts aggregates

Session 4.1- Economic Statistics Infrastructure pdf
Session 4.2- Price and volume measures in national accounts: including rebasing and linking pdf
Session 4.3- Benchmarking Practice Session pdf
Session 4.3- Exercise_Benchmarking using XLPBM or BENCH pdf
Session 4.3- Using_XLPBM(without_solutions) xls
Session 4.4- Question and Answer Session & Way-forward