Regional Workshop on Measuring the Informal Sector and the Non-Observed Economy
4 – 7 October 2015, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
The main objective of this training is to enhance the capacity of participating organizations to take practical steps in improving their measurement of the contribution to the economy of the informal sector and non-observed economy.
Provisional Programme (as of 15 September 2015)
Course Materials [Materials will be posted on this page as they become available] | |
Module One-Key Changes in the SNA 2008 Objectives: (a)to illustrate key differences between the SNA2008 and SNA1993; (b) to highlight implications of adopting SNA2008 on estimates of GDP series. | |
Session 1.1-How are countries doing? | |
Session 1.2-Main Changes in 2008 SNA- Part I | |
Session 1.3-Main Changes in 2008 SNA- Part II | |
Session 1.4- 2008 SNA Changes impact on GDP estimates | |
Module Two- Conceptual Framework for the Non-Observed Economy Objectives: (a) to update knowledge on statistical aspects of the definition, concepts, scope and classifications of the informal sector and; (b) to discuss frameworks for classifying the non-observed economy. | |
Session 2.1: What is the “non-observed” economy? -An overview of classification frameworks | |
Session 2.2- What is the “informal economy”?-An Overview of Implications on Statistical Measurement | |
Session 2.3- International statistical definition: The Informal Sector | |
Session 2.4-The informal sector and the 2008 SNA framework | |
Session 2.5- International statistical definition: Informal Employment and Employment in the Informal Sector | |
Session 2.6- Data sources for producing statistics on the informal sector | |
Session 2.7-Data sources for informal sector GDP estimation: Establishment Surveys, Mixed surveys, with focus on 1-2 surveys | |
Module 3 -Measurement and estimation methods to achieve exhaustiveness Objectives:(a) to identify improvements in compilation and estimation procedures of the non-observed and informal economies to ensure exhaustiveness of GDP estimates | |
Session 3.1 – Production Approach-General Methods | |
Session 3.2- Production Approach- Specific Methods | |
Session 3.3-Expenditure Approach—Estimation methods | |
Session 3.4 -Data source reconciliation- Identifying estimation gaps | |
Module 4: Data Quality Issues Objective: a) to review quality concepts and selected quality issues in measuring the informal sector and the non-observed economy; b) to discuss the uses of national quality assurance frameworks and data quality assessment frameworks for assuring and assessing quality of national accounts. | |
Session 4.1a- Quality and Quality Frameworks | |
Session 4.1b- Data Quality Assessment for National Accounts | |
Module Five : Way forward Objective: Develop a set of actions/activities to improve coverage of GDP estimates and quality of national accounts in light of the non-observed economy and the informal sector | |
Session 5.1- Challenges in Improving Measurement of the Informal Economy & Next Steps | |
Country Reports & Country Presentations | Link |