Thirteenth session of the Governing Council of SIAP
Chiba, Japan | 4 and 5 December 2017
Title | Symbol | |
Information for participants | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/INF/1] | |
Provisional list of participants | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/INF/2/] | |
Provisional schedule of the meeting | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/INF/3] | |
Annotated provisional agenda | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/L.1] | |
Matters arising from the twelfth session of the Governing Council | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/1] | |
Report of the Director of the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/2] | |
Report of the Director Presentation | ppt | |
Round Table: Role of SIAP in implementing the Global indicator framework for SDGs and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development | ppt | |
Work programme and financial plan of the Institute for 2018-2019 | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/3] | |
Programme of work to formulate the 2020 - 2024 strategic plan of the Institute | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/4] | |
Work Programme of SIAP for 2018 and 2019 | ppt | |
Proposed dates and venue for the fourteenth session of the Governing Council | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)/5] | |
Report of the Governing Council on thirteenth session | [E/ESCAP/SIAP/GC(13)L.2] |